From a very young age, I have always wanted to help people. This has lead to a lifetime of doing that in whatever way I can, no matter what position I was in or what my circumstances were. Of late, language has evolved into some of that "helping people" being "social justice". However, the life I've been given hasn't allowed me to do everything that I would love to have done or be able to do.
I grew up in a very traumatic background and it's taken decades of healing to get to where I am now so I understand a lot about the negatives that come with life. Having tried to commit suicide when I was 15, living a lifetime of suicidal ideation and all of that, my desire to help has only increased with a tenacity that surprises so many others - really, a lifetime of counselors have always been amazed at how much hope and desire I still have for my fellow beings (humans, animals, the planet, etc.).
Back in the early 90's, something happened that would become the normality of today. A company called AOL brought the entire planet to the fingertips of the average person. I made connections with people all over the world; I became a person who others asked how to deal with and navigate this new thing known as the Internet.
As time went on, circumstances changed and the Chaos God continued having such an impact on my life, I created a website for caregivers as well as a newsletter for the clients of one of my jobs. Decades later, I'm recreating that in a web presence I hope will help those who need inspiration, encouragement and "cheerleading" to make their own journey easier, more comfortable, less alone.
Welcome to Serenely Persistent - although I feel like I need a couple of words inserted there because it should also be "Stubborn" and "Determined", because that is what I am. That is what I want to give you; the attitude of, "I've survived all the stuff that's hit me, I've overcome so much, I'm not gonna give up now."
In healing, I have found a type of peace and I want to share that with all of you who haven't gotten there yet. While I don't know what life holds for me in the rest of the tomorrows that I have left, I truly think that the best of my life is still to come.

While it's been a long while since I've had a job title and I'm not a healthcare professional, I know that the simple act of listening to people and believing in them, validating them, can be hugely helpful and comforting.
Many of us are pretty solitary individuals but we are all human and need to know that we aren't alone in how we are feeling. Even if each person's journey is for only them, it doesn't mean there aren't any stretches where we can't travel side-by-side.
Is to provide you with a variety of inspiring and encouraging content and resources to help you get through your hurdles of life. Everyone has difficulties, that's life, but some of us seem to have so much more than others. For those times you are feeling tested, pursued by the Chaos God, I hope you can come here and find something to give you something to hold on to. To give you a moment to breathe.
My Mission, My Vision
© 2025. All rights reserved.
This is a work of love. It's all being built and maintained by a single individual existing on Social Security Disability. I have no medical license, I am not a healthcare professional. I can not afford anything so please do not solicit Serenely Persistent for any services, professional or otherwise, of any kind. Thank you.
Much of our content comes from feeds we follow on various social media who have given us permission to share it here. Every attempt has been made to give credit where it is due for anything on the Serenely Persistent website. If you see something that isn't correct, please let us know.